Term1 で使用した教科書



Graphic Design: The New Basics: Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
Ellen Lupton Jennifer Cole Phillips
Princeton Architectural Press
売り上げランキング: 34,598



In Graphic Design: The New Basics, bestselling author Ellen Lupton (Thinking with Type, Type on Screen) and design educator Jennifer Cole Phillips explain the key concepts of visual language that inform any work of design

とAmazonの紹介文にもあるように、デザインについてのKey conceptsがわかりやすくまとまっている。



Graphic Design: A New History, second edition
Stephen J. Eskilson
Yale University Press
売り上げランキング: 369,038
Thinking with Type: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students
The Elements of Typographic Style: Version 4.0: 20th Anniversary Edition
Robert Bringhurst
Hartley & Marks
売り上げランキング: 69,582